Monday 15 January 2007

Views from the Tower at Kilmore

The views from the tower include the Mourne Mountains to the south and provide an overview of the countryside. One particular field to the north is known to some as the Honeypot - could this be a reference to the bee keeping monks or just an indication of the fertile capacity of the area?

Sunday 14 January 2007

St Aidan's Church and the immediate area

St Aidan's Church of Ireland Church is the central point of Kilmore, situated at the "T" junction of the roads to Armagh, Loughgall via Ballyhegan and Portadown via the "Red Lion". It is reputed to be the second oldest church in Ireland though that could be disputable, but certainly it has a unique feature in that inside the square tower can be seen an early round tower associated with early monastries under threat from Viking attack.